a hammock, which lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency and dependencywhile his biography shows that he drew on social security survivor's benefits to complete his education and inherited a family fortune built primarily from government highway contracts.
The Ryan Incorporated Central webpage on the company's history says, "By the 1940's the Company had become a full-service grading contractor serving both private industrial and public transportation customers, including some of the original work at what would become O'Hare Airport."
But on the website for Ryan Incorporated Southern, headquartered in Florida (there are various divisions of Ryan and, yes, still from the company founded by his great-grandfather that's run by Ryan's cousins), it's a bit more explicit: "The Ryan workload from 1910 until the rural interstate Highway System was completed 60 years later, was mostly Highway construction."
And whose money built the interstate highway system? That'd be ours.
In other words, you know how Barack Obama talked about how your business didn't build the roads that allow you to do business? Well, if you are in the Midwest, chances are that Paul Ryan's family did build some of the roads. And they got to be amazingly successful because the federal government gave them six decades of contracts and millions upon millions of dollars to build them.
This ruffian, in his class-envy besotted mind sees a contradiction between Ryan's present policies and his life story, suggesting the gentleman from Janesville would impose suffering on others that he would be unwilling to endure himself. Nothing could be further from the truth.
As readers of the New Yorker well know,
Ryan’s father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all died before their sixtieth birthdays.The cause? Certainly not diet; medical science has established that it is perfectly healthy if one's
No, the cause was decades of reliance on government! Paul Ryan knows firsthand the tragic health consequences of a sedentary life in Big Government's Hammock. Why, it made his own dad drop dead of a heart attack.
“veins run with cheese, bratwurst and a little Spotted Cow, Leinies and some Miller,”
Paul Ryan has the courage to make sure that no more lives will ever be destroyed by government-supported prosperity, and for that we owe him a debt of gratitude.
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