Tuesday, August 25, 2009

That's Uncouth, Ted Kennedy! (UPDATE)

Such gall to absent yourself from the Senate due to a brain tumor. Your absence is forcing the Republicans to act like obstructionist asses. If only you were there, you could use your incredible credibility with movement conservatives to smooth the way for a practical, humane, and effective reform of the health care funding system. But no, you have to be off enjoying your terminal cancer. Jerk.

Update: Ted Kennedy's untimely death has finally given the media an opening to ask questions about the moral validity of a health system that discriminates on the basis of ability to pay. All it took was the passing of a powerful, long-serving Washington insider for the average Beltway journalist to be able to relate to this issue.

Update: Movement conservatives have recognized the solemnity of the occasion and refrained from politicizing it in any way (b/w/o Digby). Surely universal and affordable health coverage is right around the corner.

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