Monday, October 5, 2009

True Gentleman-Lady: Judith Warner

Warner gets it: when people like Michael Moore attempt to shame and humiliate the malefactors of great wealth, they create hard feelings and no one can be happy. It would be far more polite and effective to invite the management ranks of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan over for some coffee and really listen to them. Hear about their dreams, understand how bad it makes them feel to be called bloodsucking evil parasites. With a little understanding, they might be convinced to slightly modify the publicly visible manifestations of their ill-gotten wealth, which would allow everyone to live comfortably in the belief that nothing's wrong.

Also, Warner displays an astute political insight when she observes this:

Maybe Moore has spent too much time documenting the other side. He seems to have lost sight of the fact that the other side is out of power. Why play their game and risk letting them win?
See, Republican hissy-fits are the most potent political weapon in the land. If Democrats concede all matters of economic and social policy to them, thus neutralizing the power of manufactured outrage, there is a chance that Democrats may preside over a more polite and sane America, in which we are free to raise our precocious and well-adjusted children with common names spelled according to European conventions. Which is what we all want and need so desperately. It's a slim chance, but, since raising issues of governance, social responsibility, and systemic inequalities is totally gauche, it's the only chance we've got.

Unless they turn to Plan B, spite politics. Nothing beats that.

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