Saturday, August 11, 2012

Well Played, Mr. President

If rumors are to be believed, and this blog's view is that, depending on the honor and social stature of the teller, they are, President Obama has taken a significant step above the scalawaggery of the campaign season, setting a profound example of gentlemanly conduct.

As his opponent tapped young Congressman Ryan as his running mate, announcing the intention to cut Social Security and Medicare in order to relieve the burdens of taxation on our nation's heroic billionaires as a core platform of his campaign, the President appears ready to nominate the august Erskine Bowles, proponent of cutting Social Security and Medicare, to head the Treasury Department.

It is a rare gentleman in public life with the courtesy and good manners to agree to advance his opponent's agenda ahead of an election, sparing all parties the awkward humiliations of appealing to the public.

Kudos, Mr. President. If compromise is the grandest of virtues, then Grand Compromise is grander still.

One might even call it "legacy material."

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